TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Difference in headlight cassettes?
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Subject Difference in headlight cassettes?
Posted by quikz on April 26, 2014 at 5:15 PM
  This message has been viewed 220 times.
Message Am about tomdo some repairs to my headlights and the old headlight cassettes have this huge heavy steel plate covering the entire bottom, talk about over kill.

Then I see used ebay ones formsale and the bottom metal plates on the headlight cassettes are virtually eliminated and repl with thin metalmbrackets that match the existing four mount holes. These are labeld "JDM" headlights but are not the JDM Xenon ones your thinking about.

Id really like to get these and ditch the large heavy steel plate old style headlight cassettes.

Anyone know if the Z32 maybe of mid 90's, had this trimmed down design change?


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